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About the Author

Much stories. Very writing!


As R. M. Huffman, I'm the author of The Antediluvian Legacy, a trilogy of Biblical fantasy novels set in the world before the flood of Noah. Students of Scripture will appreciate the historical-grammatical hermeneutic used to approach the Genesis text. Fantasy fans will like when the half-angel giants fight dinosaurs.


As Mark Huffman, I'm the writer of The Toot Fairy, Cheesemaker Durdsden, and Billan the Bard, silly stories about toots and cheese told in verse and guaranteed to make small children and large adults LOL. Seriously, you'll laugh out loud at least three times.


As one or the other, I'm the writer of a bunch of other stuff too: short stories, screenplays, song lyrics, an entire 22-song musical based on the cosmic horror of H. P. Lovecraft. Poke around! Read! Get in touch! Thanks!



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